There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation causes prostate cancer. In fact, several studies have indicated that regular ejaculation, whether through masturbation or sexual intercourse, may have a protective effect against prostate cancer by flushing out potentially harmful substances from the prostate gland. So, you can rest assured that enjoying masturbation won’t increase your risk of prostate cancer.
As for “nightfall,” also known as nocturnal emissions or wet dreams, it’s a natural and normal occurrence for many males, especially during puberty. It happens when the body releases semen during sleep, typically during dreams with sexual content. Nightfall isn’t a disease but rather a natural part of sexual development. It’s nothing to be worried about unless it’s causing significant distress or occurring very frequently, in which case consulting a healthcare provider may provide reassurance.
Masturbation doesn’t cause prostate cancer; it may even have a protective effect. Nightfall, or wet dreams, is a normal part of sexual development.