21 Sep 2023Anonymous310 Views

Managing Increased Sex Drive Following Emotional Abuse

Since leaving my emotionally abusive marriage 16 months ago after 12 years, I've experienced a significant increase in my sex drive over the past 9 months. I find it difficult to control or limit fantasizing, and I long for someone who genuinely cares for me and with whom I can share real intimacy. This longing can be overwhelming and hard to switch off, often interfering with other parts of my life as I am frequently distracted. This is a new experience for me, as I was emotionally and sexually shut down during the relationship and often criticized and shamed, being told I was 'asexual'. Any tips on managing these intense desires would be greatly appreciated.
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Experiencing an increased sex drive following long-term emotional abuse can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. It’s not uncommon for survivors of abusive relationships to encounter changes in their sexual desires and behaviours as they heal and reclaim their autonomy. However, there are strategies to manage these intense desires and find a sense of balance and control.

It’s important to acknowledge and validate your feelings without judgement. Recognize that your heightened sex drive is a natural response to seeking connection and intimacy after experiencing emotional deprivation in your past relationship. Give yourself permission to feel and express your desires without shame or guilt.

Next, exploring self-care practices can help regulate and channel your intense desires in a healthy way. Engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-soothing, such as mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or journaling. Creating boundaries around your fantasies and setting limits on the time and energy you devote to them can also help prevent them from interfering with other aspects of your life.

Empathy. Empathy and Compassion concept - young man comforting crying woman. how to make a relationship stronger Managing Increased Sex Drive Following Emotional Abuse

Seeking support from a therapist or counsellor experienced in trauma recovery can provide valuable guidance and coping strategies. Therapy can help you process your past experiences, challenge negative beliefs about sex and intimacy, and develop healthier coping mechanisms for managing intense desires.

Nurturing platonic relationships and building a support network of friends and loved ones who validate and respect your boundaries can provide emotional fulfilment and reduce feelings of isolation or longing for intimacy.

Practising self-compassion and patience is essential throughout this process. Healing from emotional abuse takes time, and it’s okay to have ups and downs along the way. Be gentle with yourself, celebrate your progress, and remember that you deserve love, respect, and healthy relationships.

Managing increased sex drive following long-term emotional abuse involves validating your feelings, exploring self-care practices, seeking support from a therapist, nurturing platonic relationships, and practising self-compassion.

Increased sex drive following emotional abuse is a common response to seeking connection and intimacy after experiencing deprivation.
Exploring self-care practices, seeking therapy, and nurturing platonic relationships can help manage intense desires in a healthy way.
Practising self-compassion and patience is essential throughout the healing process.

For further insights into managing intense desires following emotional abuse, consider these resources: Psychology Today’s article on recovering from emotional abuse and RAINN’s guide to self-care for survivors of sexual violence

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