28 Aug 2023Anonymous333 Views

Excessive Masturbation, Managing Masturbation Habit, Guilt About Masturbation

I am a male and I masturbate every morning and am kind of addicted to it. Is it safe? How can I get rid of this addiction as I feel guilty sometimes?
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It’s common to have questions or concerns about masturbation, especially if it feels like it’s becoming a frequent habit. Masturbation itself isn’t harmful, but like anything, it can become a problem if it interferes with daily life or causes distress. If you’re feeling guilty or worried about your masturbation habits, it’s important to know that you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to address it.

It’s essential to understand that masturbation is a normal and natural part of human sexuality. It can be a healthy way to explore your body and release sexual tension. However, if you find yourself masturbating excessively to the point where it’s affecting your daily routine, relationships, or emotional well-being, it might be worth considering seeking support.

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Excessive Masturbation, Managing Masturbation Habit, Guilt About Masturbation

One approach to managing excessive masturbation is to identify triggers or underlying reasons for the behaviour. Stress, boredom, or even loneliness can sometimes lead to increased masturbation. Finding healthier coping mechanisms for these emotions, such as exercise, hobbies, or spending time with friends, can help redirect the impulse.

Additionally, setting boundaries and creating a structured routine can be helpful. Limiting the time or frequency of masturbation sessions can gradually reduce dependence on it. Engaging in activities that occupy your time and attention, such as work, study, or socialising, can also assist in breaking the cycle of compulsive behaviour.

If feelings of guilt or shame persist, it may be beneficial to speak with a healthcare professional or therapist. They can provide support, guidance, and strategies to manage any negative emotions surrounding masturbation and help develop a healthier relationship with sexuality.

Remember, it’s okay to seek help when needed, and addressing concerns about masturbation is a positive step towards overall well-being.

Excessive masturbation can cause distress, but it’s essential to know that it’s a common concern. Understanding triggers, setting boundaries, and seeking support can help manage the habit and alleviate feelings of guilt.

"Excessive masturbation is associated with depressive symptoms, anxious attachment, and impaired sexual function in men and women..”
The Cureus Journal of Medical Science - 'Masturbatory Guilt Leading to Severe Depression'

For further information on managing excessive masturbation and related concerns, you can explore reputable resources like: Masturbation: Facts & Benefits, What Is Masturbation Addiction? And Masturbation 101: Letting Go Of Guilt

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